In 2004 the producer Danger Mouse, released a album wich is a mashup of The Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's The Black Album. He used the instrumentals from Beatles and mixed it with Jay-Z acapella. Together it was The Grey Album. Both Paul McCartney and Jay-Z were cool with the project, but because of the shitty copyright-laws the rich big men behind the record labels wanted to stop Danger Mouse, so the production of the album stopped already after 3000 copies or so, but the album still got alot of attention and were spread all over the internet. Feburary the 24th 2004, there was coordinated a big event on the internet called Grey Tuesday, wich had the mission to spread The Grey Album all over the internet for that day. So over hundreds of websites hosted the downloading, and over 100.000 copies were downloaded on that day, wich were more that any other album were sold that day. The album is still to download on the internet, and there is a link below. (Requires that you have uTorrent, Vuze or something else that can handle torrents)
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