Monday, December 24, 2012

Tue Track

Vi kender Tue Track, den gæve hip-hopper, fra rap-gruppen Malk De Koijn & Nobody Beats The Beats. I går kom han med et gratis mixtape med en masse ubenyttet materiale produceret mellem 2001 og 2011. Beats, loops, sketches & much more fra Tue T. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend i København

Så kom jeg hjem efter en syg weekend i København. Torsdag var jeg på Staden for at høre Jake Juke (MC fra Sort Stue), som spillede tracks fra sine Hands Up mixtapes til Hop Hop På Børneren. Fucking fedt show. Fantastisk med overskud og kontakt mellem ham og os - bl.a. da han stak os Mic'en og mine venner Uno & Lærke fik lov til at rappe de to sidste vers af We Are The World - som vi skulle have haft spillet til vores tredje Sort Stue tribute-koncert, men som ikke blev til noget før nu. Det her er fucking real hip-hop! Jake Juke holder det 100% ægte. Fik snakket lidt med ham efter showet, givet ham et bånd jeg havde lavet og han stak os nogle gratis CD'er! Alle Get Your Motherfucking Hands Up mixtapes kan hentes gratis her. Ser meget frem til næste show.
                  Dagen efter lavede jeg et remix af Sort Stue - Dømt Til Døden. Lyt og download helt gratis her. Og hvis du  selv kunne tænke dig at lave et Sort Stue remix, er der udgivet en plade med instrumentaler & acapellaer som kan downloades her.
                  Fredag var jeg til støttebar for et frit Palæstina i Folkets Hus, og Lørdag til koncert på Loppen med Dead Men's Tales (pirat-metal) og den danske rap-gruppe Tudsegammelt. Tudsens første EP er til fri download gennem Kontrafon. Download den her. Svedig hip-hop med gamle jazz-samples og masser af tuba.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jakob med k

JakobMe.dK er en fucking svedig dansk musik-blog der poster nonprofit udgivelser som er lavet af både ham selv, men også af andre - med fokus på danske producere & DJs. Der er en masse lækre ting at finde, bl.a. et par compilation-bånd med en masse danske beats af danske producere som bl.a. Eloq, Cars10, Paulo, Kværn, Chewbacca & mange andre. Samlet set byder siden på en del sampling, beats, mixtapes, rap, hip-hop, men også et 1½ time langt jazz bånd. Jeg er selv ret vild med de to mixtapes: "Nostalgialand" vol. 1 & 2 hvor producrenen OB1 Hip-Hop Kenobi har samlet hans barndomsminder gennem spil, film. tegneserier. Selv er jeg født i 1995, men der er stadig en del af de samples han bruger som jeg kan relatere til min barndom som Inspector Gadget, Bamses Billedbog (Her mixet med Wu-Tang), Karate Kid, Batman, Star Wars, Den Gode, Den Onde & Den Grusomme, Mario Bros. samt mere.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Endnu et dansk deejay-sleng, denne gang er navnet blot Firehouse. Firehouse har udgivet 9 mixtapes med en masse søde reggae/dancehall tunes af den helt gamle skole, men har også omkring 9 ordenligt syge pirat-stils singles liggende til fri donwload. De er nogle af de mest seriøse og ambitiøse i Danmark på reggae scenen - da deres ønske siden de startede var at få skabt et ægte jamaicansk soundsystem i DK. De startede i 2005, og har siden spillet meget i det danske undergrund-miljø, bl.a. en del i både det nye & gamle ungdomshus. Siden de laver dansk reggae/dancehall skulle man tro de ikke var kendt udenfor den københavnske undergrund, men i virkeligheden har de fået skabt sig en del opmærksomhed i både Tyskland, USA & Japan, og har også været i bl.a. Japan og spille. Samlet har de over 12 timers gratis reggea/dancehall til download!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Det' På Dansk Mand!

Yes mand, så er første dansk-sprogede post på bloggen her! Og jeg har samtidigt besluttet mig for at satse på at skrive én post hver dag frem over (hvis jeg får tid til det altså). Idag vil jeg præsentere et mixtape ved navn Dans Til Dansk Mand, som er lavet af en gruppe af københavnske pladevenderer der kalder sig Pladevennerne. Ordenlig syg skive med dansk musik fra 60'erne til 80'erne. Masse gamle klassikere med bla. Blæksptruttesangen fra Bennys Badekar. Mixtapet blev lavet i anledning af en fest i Stengade i marts i år. Sig fuck copyright, hent mixtapet og dans med dine venner til noget svedig musik!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Danish rap-group from Jylland. I really love them because they play their beats them self and that gives the music so much more feeling than it would have with some electronic beat. I learned Sjakket to know when i was going to school at Langelands Efterskole and they're song "Os To" really started to mean a lot to me since the song is about moving away from home, moving from someone and starting up something else - but in a very good way - and that was excactly how i felt. I relly love their laid back and calm style. Right now they've only released 3 singles, so i can't wait for them to release their first album.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Dynamikken - a upcoming hip-hop group from Fyn, with a crew of five MC's and one DJ. These guys are keepin' it real with not only free download - but they aslo give their CD for free, and if you want it to be send to you, it will only cost you the freight and the money spend on the print. Sweet lyrics and nice sampling. No more to say. Thumps up.

7 Free Buckethead Albums

On the unofficial Buckethead website, they've been very nice and uploaded some very old work of the guitarist Buckethead. Over 7 albums, his single; "Jordan", and a lot of video. To all of you who do not know Buckethead - his name really explains who he is. Buckethead is a guitarist from USA. He is always wearing a white mask and a KFC bucket on his head. He is one of my favourite guitarists and it's lovely that it is possible to find these old demo-tapes and shit able for free download! The genres are very different from album to album, but I would say that all of it are very special and not not like any other record at all. There is 2 albums with a band playing funk/metal and a DJ scratching, then there is 2 records with his first band - Deli Creeps - the two first demo-tapes wich contains alot of demos of the tracks on their first real album. The album called "KFC Skin Piles" is a tape with a lot of weird noises, samples from movies, guitar riffs and other stuff - and is made for DJ's to scratch and mix with. And at last the rare "Giant Robot (NTT)" release wich is one of his best. The album were judged as illegal because Buckethead was sampling some stuff form movies and stuff, that he did not have the "rights" to do. So because of that there are very few copies, and the album is very rare.
         Since a lot of it are old demos, live and stuff like that, the quality might not be the best.

Dårligt Selskab

New danish anarchistic punk-group, from the underground scene of Copenhagen. This is their first - and selftitled - album. These guys got some very impressive lyrics with lots of relevent subjects - like the hackergroup anonymous, surveillance, the bank industry, reality-TV and much more. Some of the lyrics can be found here in and are in both english and danish. Their new album is available for free download, find the link below. And i by the way love their album cover!
(The last song of the album is with english lyrics!)

(Just press "0" when they ask for your money)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Guilty By Appearance

Swedish underground revolutionary rap - with english lyrics. This is the shit. Real hip-hop. MC's with nice flows, calm and cool beats. Don't know much about them. They were playing a gig in Ungdomshuset a week or too ago, but i was busy so i missed it. But deffinently something i would love to hear live. Go download it., it's free.

(Requires a program that can handle torrents)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Von Dü - Danish Ska

Von Dü is a danish ska-band rom Copenhagen. Right now their album "Beskidte Tanker" (Dirty Thoughts) is available for free download at I Heard them play live at Christiania's 41 year birthday this year, where they gave a sick koncert with almost unlimited energy and lots of hot ska tunes.

Download Here
(Just press "0" when they ask for your money)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Silent People - Indie from Aarhus

I know very very little about this band. I know that they are from Aarhus, that they are a pretty new project,  that they define their music as Indie/Experimental/Elektrorock/Progressive Rock, i know that it's all D.I.Y. - home recordings and shit. Dnd i know that their sound is very interesting and very hypnotizing. I like it.

(Just click on "Buy now" and press 0 where you can choose your price)

Grey Tuesday

In 2004 the producer Danger Mouse, released a album wich is a mashup of The Beatles' White Album and Jay-Z's The Black Album. He used the instrumentals from Beatles and mixed it with Jay-Z acapella. Together it was The Grey Album. Both Paul McCartney and Jay-Z were cool with the project, but because of the shitty copyright-laws the rich big men behind the record labels wanted to stop Danger Mouse, so the production of the album stopped already after 3000 copies or so, but the album still got alot of attention and were spread all over the internet. Feburary the 24th 2004, there was coordinated a big event on the internet called Grey Tuesday, wich had the mission to spread The Grey Album all over the internet for that day. So over hundreds of websites hosted the downloading, and over 100.000 copies were downloaded on that day, wich were more that any other album were sold that day. The album is still to download on the internet, and there is a link below. (Requires that you have uTorrent, Vuze or something else that can handle torrents) 

Download Here
(Requires a program that can handle torrents)

Get Your Motherfucking Hands Up Mixtapes - Jake Juke

When Sort Stue told us that they were done playing music in the name of Sort Stue, the MC Jake Juke of the group, released a mixtape called Get Your Motherfucking Hands Up. And now, less than a year later - the 4 out of 4 promised mixtapes are on the "street" and ready for free download! It's amazing how productive these guys are. All of the mixtapes contain both remixes of Sort Stue and other artists, but also alot of new work by the rappers of the group; Anti K, Lester, Fitnis, B. Magic and of course Jake Juke. The guys also said that they are going to play some Get Your Motherfucking Hands Up gigs.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

No Fucking Copyright

Ingen Fucking Copyright (No Fucking Copyright), is a danish mixtape. It was released by P.E.T in 2010 at a release-party in Ungeren. The album is one of the four "Ingen Fucking..."-albums. All the songs on this record is about anti-copyright. Many of the artist featured on the album is pretty big names from the music undergroundscene in Copenhagen. There is artists like; Guldgruppen, One More Than 12, Paulo & Dj Cars10, Vakili, Jake Juke (from Sort Stue), MC Staten, Larica & others. It's a a very good album with pretty mixed kinds of music. There is some reggae/ska, alot of rap, some electronic/dubstep, punk and some other stuff to find. Download it at the link below. More "No Fucking"-posts will come later.

Download Here

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Anti-commercial record label

Kontrafon is a anti-commercial, danish record label, that only release underground-music with political lyrics. The people of Kontrafon, both work for free and release all music for free. All music they release can be downloaded for on their website. At the same time, the music gets sold on LP's. All of the money that is earned by sell those LP's is spend on the production of more LP's, so when you buy one, you give money to let them make another. Everybody have the opportunity so send a couple of tracks, and then Kontrafon will decide if they will release it or not. Kontrafon started in 2011, but have already achieved very big success. For example, did the artist Raske Penge through the label, get 711.268 views on youtube with the song "Rundt". If your to dancehall, reggae, or hip/hop you should go download all the stuff, if not then you should check it out anyways.

Download Here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sort Stue

To all of you who do not know Sort Stue, i can tell that it is a non profit D.I.Y. rapcollective from Christiania in Denmark. Sort Stue started in 2006, but I learned them to know last year, through a very good friend, Uno. They're music means a lot to me, since i can relate to their texts and since one song can make me feel very angry, happy or very sad like no other song. After they broke up in 2011 they did a reuninon concert in Ungeren, wich i was very lucky to be able to attend. It was a sick concert. 
Well.. What this post actually is all about, is that Sort Stue around two days ago announced, that they do not have enough money to keep their site running, so it will close down somewhere in august. THAT means that this is last chance to download all their fantastic music they have released since 2006! The music is live studio recordings from the anarchistic D.I.Y. underground music-scene in Copengahen. Allmost all of Sort Stues rap is about anti-fascism, anarchy, anti-copyright, freedom, weed, anti-capitalism, immigrants, revolution and alot of other things. No matter if you like rap or not, you should deffinently get this. More posts about Sort Stue will follow up sooner or later.

Download Here

It's "Fuck Spotify" week

Starting today, the american rap-group, CunninLynguists have decided to make this week the official "Fuck Spotify" week on, and have given their fans the opportunity to download all their albums for at name-it-yourself price on bandcamp. I will let them self tell you why, here is what they wrote on facebook: "It was recently revealed that the CEO of Spotify is worth $307 million dollars -- more money than every artist they feature except 1. In honor of the .005 cents per play we get from Spotify as they trick you out of your weed money under the guise of "supporting artists", it's "Fuck Spotify" week at! Take this week off from streaming CL on Spotify and download any album from at whatever price you choose -- even free! - Kno" and later they wrote: "Want to pay us something? Cool. Ain't got no money? Fuck it -- download it anyway! - Kno" Check it out. It's great hip/hop.